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A Script is an alias for the Golang function that you can call from YAML Workflow that allows you to do complex logic which is native support from the Osmedeus core engine.


Core Scripts

Currently, I don't have time to fully document these scripts, but if you understand golang code you can read what it does from here

/* File to store all the script for better reference */

const (
    Cleaning         = "Cleaning"
    CleanAmass       = "CleanAmass"
    CleanRustScan    = "CleanRustScan"
    CleanGoBuster    = "CleanGoBuster"
    CleanMassdns     = "CleanMassdns"
    CleanSWebanalyze = "CleanSWebanalyze"
    CleanJSONDnsx    = "CleanJSONDnsx"
    CleanWebanalyze  = "CleanWebanalyze"
    CleanArjun       = "CleanArjun"
    GenNucleiReport  = "GenNucleiReport"
    CleanJSONHttpx   = "CleanJSONHttpx"
    CleanFFUFJson    = "CleanFFUFJson"

const (
    // noti for slack
    StartNoti   = "StartNoti"
    DoneNoti    = "DoneNoti"
    ReportNoti  = "ReportNoti"
    DiffNoti    = "DiffNoti"
    CustomNoti  = "CustomNoti"
    NotiFile    = "NotiFile"
    WebHookNoti = "WebHookNoti"
    // noti for telegram
    TeleMess       = "TeleMess"
    TeleMessWrap   = "TeleMessWrap"
    TeleMessByFile = "TeleMessByFile"
    TeleSendFile   = "TeleSendFile"

const (
    ExecCmd           = "ExecCmd"
    ExecCmdB          = "ExecCmdB"
    ExecCmdWithOutput = "ExecCmdWithOutput"
    ExecContain       = "ExecContain"
    Sleep           = "Sleep"
    Exit            = "Exit"
    CastToInt       = "CastToInt"
    StripSlash      = "StripSlash"
    Printf          = "Printf"
    Cat             = "Cat"
    SortU           = "SortU"
    SplitFile       = "SplitFile"
    Append          = "Append"
    Copy            = "Copy"
    CreateFolder    = "CreateFolder"
    DeleteFile      = "DeleteFile"
    DeleteFolder    = "DeleteFolder"
    SplitFileByPart = "SplitFileByPart"
    FileLength      = "FileLength"
    IsFile          = "IsFile"
    EmptyDir        = "EmptyDir"
    EmptyFile       = "EmptyFile"
    ReadLines       = "ReadLines"

const (
    TotalSubdomain     = "TotalSubdomain"
    TotalDns           = "TotalDns"
    TotalScreenShot    = "TotalScreenShot"
    TotalTech          = "TotalTech"
    TotalVulnerability = "TotalVulnerability"
    TotalArchive       = "TotalArchive"
    TotalLink          = "TotalLink"
    TotalDirb          = "TotalDirb"
    CreateReport       = "CreateReport"