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Web UI (Experimental)

Start a web server

Open a new terminal or tmux and run

osmedeus server

The server will be avaliable at HTTPS URL here: https://your-vps-ip:8000/ui/


Then get the credentials from this file.

cat ~/.osmedeus/config.yaml

  password: xxxx
  username: osmedeus


View results in your workspace via static path

NOTE that this static path doesn't require authentication. Be careful when you exposed this prefix to other people.

By default, the webserver will allow you to view your workspace folder as a static file via the endpoints /random-prefix-here/workspaces/.

You can see the detail below.

cat ~/.osmedeus/config.yaml

  prefix: random-prefix-here

curl -k https://your-webserver:8000/random-prefix-here/workspaces/