List all flow available
$ osmedeus workflow ls
Found 11 available workflows at: /Users/j3ssie/osmedeus-base/workflow
| Flow Name | Description |
| cidr | Scanning for CIDR File |
| domains | Performing the default routine using the provided list of domains, but skipping subdomain enumeration |
| extensive-vuln | Running extensive vuln scan |
| extensive | Running extensive reconnaissance routine with in-depth module + bigger wordlists |
| fast | Performing a quick summary data analysis |
| general | Running default reconnaissance routine |
| quick-cidr | Scanning for CIDR file but focus on common HTTP Ports and skip banner grabbing |
| subdomain-enum | Running subdomain enumeration and dns resolving only |
| urls | Performing vulnerability scan and directory scan using the provided Domains, URLs or IP Address |
| vuln-and-dirb | Running vulnerability scan and directory scan on list of provded domains |
| vuln | Performing a rapid routine and conducting a vulnerability scan on it |
osmedeus scan -f [flowName] -t [target]
Found 8 default modules at: /Users/j3ssie/osmedeus-base/workflow/default-modules
| Module Name | Description |
| brutefocing-subdomain | Running Subdomain Brutefocing on provided domain |
| cidr-probing | Conducting common Port scanning then doing HTTP fingerprint technology and response with the supplied CIDR inputs |
| content-discovery | Running content discovery with the supplied inputs |
| http-probing | Running HTTP fingerprint technology and response with the supplied inputs |
| repo-scan | Performing static vulnerability scan and secret scan on a git repo |
| spidering | Crawling links in http site + scanning for secrets with trufflehog |
| subdomain-enum | Running subdomain enumeration |
| vuln-scan | Run quick vulnerability scan with provided inputs |
Module Usage:
osmedeus scan -m [moduleName] -t [target]
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